Mi agregador es una cosechadora imparable. Yo no hago nada los fines de semana (sobre todo algunos…), pero él no para. Algunos apuntes recogidos esta mañana:


Barbelith is a message-board and experimental online community. From relatively humble origins, the board has evolved from a fan space for an author (GrantMorrison) through to a sub/counter-cultural board through to its current incarnation as a creative space to experiment with the concept of what it means to be a self-ruling online space. It has a strong sense of citizenship or at least a strong sense of affinity to varying sets of overlapping values, which include a strong resistance to authority, a distrust of dogma and an interest in the limits of knowledge. It is not a board that is designed specifically for any individual approach to the world but one that is interested in cross-overs, hybridisation and the creativity that comes from having a space open for conspiracy theorists, hard scientists, engineers, cosmologists, mystics, political activists, philosophers, geeks, screen-writers, artists and other forms of creative individuals from all across the world.

(si, me temo que definitivamente es demasiado duro para el lunes de algunos…)

[eMarketer recoge][3] la [encuesta sobre consumo de blogs][4] que ha hecho Blogads y que será largamente comentada (a ver cuando salen los resultado de [la realizada por estos lares][5], que también promete). El autor es parte interesada, así que habrá que leer los datos con prudencia. Pero dicen algo que ya hemos comentado por aquí en [diversas][6] [ocasiones][7]:

86% say that blogs are either useful or extremely useful as sources of news or opinion. 80% say they read blogs for news they can’t find elsewhere. 78% read because the perspective is better. 66% value the faster news. 61% say that blogs are more honest. Divided on so much else, blog readers appear united in their dissatisfaction with conventional media and their rabid love of blogs.

Yo no creo que esta tendencia se vaya a mantener de una manera tan acusada según aumente el número de usuarios/autores de blogs. Con la llegada de más usuarios medios, creo que se seguirán mateniendo algunas percepciones como la de una mejor perespectiva o la honestidad, aunque la diversificación en el consumo de medios no será tan alta como ahora. Otro dato interesante, solo un 21% of blog readers are also bloggers. ¿Esto aumentará o disminuirá?

Por otro lado, no conocía Blogads ([tienen weblog][8], logicamente):

You need to woo the early adopters that traditional media can’t reach. You need to impress 100,000 opinion makers with a colorful pitch, not pester 100,000,000 nobodies with a soulless textad or banner. You need Blogads. Read by fanatics, pundits and journalists, blogs increasingly set the insider agenda. Use blogads to start advertising where opinions are made.

[3]: http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?1002860 “” [4]: http://www.blogads.com/survey/blog_reader_survey.html “Blogads: reader survey for blog advertising “ [5]: http://www.blogpocket.com/encuesta/ “I Encuesta a webloggers y lectores de blogs” [6]: http://furilo.com/blog/reality_hacking/040319-el_resto_no_nos_lo_creemos.php “furilo: el resto no nos lo creemos” [7]: http://furilo.com/blog/blogs/040108-las_bitacoras_llegaran_a_ser_u.php “furilo: blogs fenómeno de masas?” [8]: http://blogads.com/weblog/ “blogads weblog”